Franchise Council of Australia

About the FCA

About the FCA

Franchise Council of Australia is the peak body for the $174 billion franchise business segment, which includes over 1,200 networks, with 94,000+ individual franchised outlets, employing 565,500 Australians across the nation.

In Australia today, there is a franchise operating in almost every type of business category, with varying levels of complexity and market share, creating employment and prosperity for the nation.

The FCA provides a platform for franchisors, franchisees, business advisors and small to medium businesses to influence government policy, communicate with political leaders and key decision makers, network with peers and engage in policy debates.

FCA Objectives

  • To establish standards of international best practice for Australian franchise systems.
  • To provide information and education about franchising to existing and potential franchisees and franchisors.
  • To inform State and Federal Governments on issues relevant to the sector.
  • To develop a vital, strong and financially viable franchising sector.
  • To advance the interests of members in Australia, the international franchise community, franchise advisory councils, small business forums, and property leasing organisations (particularly shopping centres).

Our CEO & Board

Matthew Monaghan

Matthew has over 20 years of experience working in senior leadership roles across private, not-for-profit and public sector organisations. He is a strong believer in robust advocacy, backed up by extensive member engagement, and understands the importance of responsible economic leadership at a national level. Matthew is a Fellow of both the Governance Institute and Australian Institute of Management, holds an MBA and recently completed executive studies with Saiid Business School at the University of Oxford, on business disruption and digital transformation. This extensive education has helped Matthew bring an innovative approach to advancing education and achieving best practice standards within a variety of industries. Matthew is committed to driving the development of organisational capacity and capability through effective governance, leadership and sustainable business practices.


Renewal reminders for the 2023/2024 Membership Year will be sent out during May 2023.

Remember to log in and make sure your details are up to date!

How to Join

  1. Submit a membership application form.
  2. The FCA membership manager will process your application.
  3. The Board of Directors will assess and approve your application.
  4. Upon approval, the FCA membership manager will send you your welcome pack and membership details.

Read more and join the FCA