Franchise Council of Australia

ER Strategies

ER Strategies was established in 1999 by Director Steve Champion, who had worked in franchising as ER Director for what is now Yum Restaurants, with responsibility for KFC and Pizza Hut.

Steve was joined in 2012 by now ER Strategies’ General Manager David Price, who had previously worked with the Fair Work Ombudsman.
Together, they have built up ER Strategies to now employ around 12 staff, have conducted over 3,000 payroll audits since 2016, and who have a wealth of clients from not only franchising, but also manufacturing, construction, financial services, retail and other sectors.
In partnership with the FCA, ER Strategies conducts a compliance helpline for financial members of the FCA. Our consultants will be pleased to support you with practical ER / IR advice. Whilst the time under the FCA service is nominally limited to 30 minutes per call, we are happy to support FCA members in the following areas –

  • Best practice employment standards
  • Pay rates & conditions
  • Counselling and discipline matters
  • Legal obligations
  • Employee disputes
  • Discrimination matters

Franchisor Employment Compliance Obligations

This programs attracts 25 CFE Credits

1 hour virtual session

Wage non-compliance in the franchise area resulted in major new responsibilities being built-in to the Fair Work Act in the 2nd half of 2017. Under those new laws, Franchisors were required to take reasonable steps to prevent contraventions of workplace laws by their franchisees.

We consider what the Act says about what constitutes reasonable steps, plus what the Fair Work Ombudsman says are different actions franchisors should be taking to support franchise compliance.

We then consider what options, support services and mechanisms exist to support franchisors to help their franchisees remain compliant.

We also draw upon our wide experience with different franchise systems to present you with best practice models and also describe the minimum steps we believe you need to take to avoid liability for your franchisee’s breaches of employment obligations.

To register contact 02 8907 3888